Expert Guidance for Your Disability or Life Insurance Claim

At Insurance Appeal Consultants, you have options. Whether you are a claimant appealing a disability or life insurance denial, or an attorney seeking to better serve your clients and potential clients, Insurance Appeal Consultants offers custom solutions for navigating disability and life insurance claims and appeals. Our experienced consultants are experts at analyzing denial letters and claim files, drafting personal statements, responding to vocational reviews, writing appeals and more. 

Connected Gears Working Together

Ellen Bresnahan has helped hundreds of claimants understand their denial letters, craft winning appeals, and recover their disability and life insurance benefits.

Ellen founded Insurance Appeal Consultants after managing the highly successful Insurance Appeals department for Virginia’s leading disability and life insurance law firm. As the firm’s Insurance Appeals Department Head, she led an experienced team of attorneys, paralegals, writers and analysts, and recovered over $3 million annually in wrongfully denied disability and life insurance benefits for claimants. Ellen has won appeals against all major insurance carriers, recovering benefits for clients nationwide.

At Insurance Appeal Consultants, Ellen and her team are dedicated to making knowledgeable, experienced appeal assistance available to everyone who needs to overturn an insurance company disability or life insurance denial, no matter the size of their claim.

Ellen is the author of Recover Your Benefits: Keys to Successfully Navigating the Disability or Life Insurance Appeal Process.

Bridging the Gap in Appeal Assistance

Many claimants are discouraged to hear that their disability or life insurance appeal case is either too small or too uncertain to qualify for contingent fee, “only pay if we win,” representation. But no case is too small for the person who is counting on that benefit. Many of these claims can be successful with some guidance on how to properly develop the appeal. Unfortunately, claimants who did not qualify for contingent fee representation often had nowhere else to turn to get the help they needed. The only winner in that situation is the insurance company who avoids paying a valid claim. 

Insurance Appeal Consultants bridges this gap. By offering free and affordable guidance, our goal is simple. We ensure that every claimant who wants to appeal a wrongful disability or life insurance denial has access to the information and assistance they need to do so successfully.

Wooden Businessman

Many claimants are discouraged to hear that their disability or life insurance appeal case is either too small or too uncertain to qualify for contingent fee, “only pay if we win,” representation. But no case is too small for the person who is counting on that benefit. Many of these claims can be successful with some guidance on how to properly develop the appeal. Unfortunately, claimants who did not qualify for contingent fee representation often had nowhere else to turn to get the help they needed. The only winner in that situation is the insurance company who avoids paying a valid claim. 

Insurance Appeal Consultants bridges this gap. By offering free and affordable guidance, our goal is simple. We ensure that every claimant who wants to appeal a wrongful disability or life insurance denial has access to the information and assistance they need to do so successfully.

Experience, Dedication and Empathy

Prior to managing disability and life insurance appeals, Ellen served for 20 years in the US Navy and Navy Reserves as an intelligence officer. She began her active duty career as the squadron intelligence officer for one of the only tactical aviation squadrons open to women at the time, in Key West, FL. Ellen retired from the Navy Reserves after serving with the US Defense Attache Office in Moscow, Russia as an assistant US Naval Attache. She collected many sea stories at varied assignments in between.

A two-time cancer survivor, Ellen understands all too well what it means to be blindsided by a period of disability. She is passionate about helping others who are also facing some of the biggest, most unexpected challenges of their lives. Not surprisingly, the analytical and planning skills crucial for military success also apply to battling insurance companies. Ellen is dedicated to fighting back against wrongful disability and life insurance denials by giving clients clear, practical, affordable guidance – and their best possible shot at a winning insurance appeal.

An Experienced Team Offering Comprehensive Support

Insurance Appeal Consultants brings together a team of experienced analysts and experts who provide appeal guidance and tools for everything from assessing medical treatment records, to responding to insurance company vocational reviews, to developing a compelling personal statement, to writing strong appeals that expose wrongful insurance denials, and more. 

We offer free and low-cost options to help you understand why your claim was really denied and know what additional evidence to include with your appeal. If you need help communicating with your doctors, analyzing your claim file, responding to a vocational report, writing your appeal letter, or navigating the entire appeal process, our experts can help with that, too.

Whether you just need our comprehensive free guide, Recover Your Benefits: Keys to Successfully Navigating the Disability or Life Insurance Appeal Process, want a one-time personalized strategy session to discuss your denial letter and plan your appeal, or are seeking guidance and support throughout your appeal, we’ve got you covered. You decide what help you need, we provide the assistance.

We’re here for you.