Personalized Disability Appeal Support When You Need It Most

Appealing a disability or life insurance claim denial can be overwhelming. Let Insurance Appeal Consultants help with what you need most. We offer:

  • a free denial letter review to identify what you most need to focus on for an effective appeal
  • a personalized Strategy Session to jump start your appeal. We’ll include a customized appeal letter template and other tools to help you begin building your strongest appeal
  • Appeal Coaching and Appeal Management. We’re here when you want additional help and guidance throughout the entire appeal process
  • a Final Appeal Review Package. We’ll examine your evidence, edit your appeal letter, and help you follow up on any insurance company requests as they consider your appeal
 Of course, the best appeal is one you can avoid entirely. To give your claim the best chance for success, we can also help you:
  • prepare for a claim before you apply
  • respond to the insurance company’s requests for updates while you remain on disability claim
  • connect with an attorney in our appeal resource network
  • You have a disability or life insurance denial letter and are not sure where to start for an appeal
  • You have an idea about how to appeal, but also have questions
  • You have your appeal planned out, but would feel a lot better after running it by an experienced consultant who can see things you might be missing
  • You understand why your claim was denied, but are not sure how to develop the evidence you need for an appeal
  • Your doctor(s) won’t do appeal paperwork or won’t support your claim and you want to brainstorm alternatives
  • You’d like to jump start your appeal with an appeal letter template customized to your claim so you just have to fill in the sections you’ll need for your appeal
  • You want to talk to someone in detail about your claim before diving into the appeal

After the Strategy Session, you will have a clear plan for the next steps to take, including working with your doctor(s) and other experts to get the claim support you need, and writing an appeal letter that explains why the insurance company was wrong to deny your claim. Depending on the complexity of your denial letter and value of your claim, a one-time Strategy Session might be all you need to develop your strongest appeal.

  • Develop additional evidence. We’ll help you communicate with your doctor(s) and other experts to gather the additional evidence you’ll need to support your claim.
  • Write a strong appeal letter. We’ll help you highlight the insurance company’s errors and omissions and provide important context for your claim.
  • Submit your appeal package. When you have collected all your evidence, we’ll finalize your appeal letter and compile a single PDF files to send to the insurance company to ensure nothing gets “lost.”
  • Respond during the appeal. The insurance company often sends you new reports to comment on as they review and decide your appeal. We’ll help you plan when and how to respond.
  • Plan for what happens after the appeal. You will either win or lose the appeal, and it is important to be ready for the next steps either way.
  • All communications with the insurance company.
  • Making collection of medical records and additional evidence as easy as possible.
  • Writing and submitting the appeal letter and supporting evidence.
  • Following up with the insurance company as they review the appeal.
  • Planning with you for what comes next after the appeal, win or lose.

Other Appeal Support Services

Depending on your appeal needs, we can also help

  • order, organize and analyze your insurance company claim file (included with Appeal Management)
  • develop an interview-based personal statement to include with your appeal (included with Appeal Management)
  • respond to an insurance company vocational report that “found” jobs for you to do

Looking for something we haven’t covered yet? Please contact us to discuss what you need. We want to help if we can.

Insurance Agent Checking Policy Documents

Beyond the Appeal: Claim Preparation and Management

The best appeal is one you can avoid by never having your claim denied in the first place. We can help you with:

Pre-Claim Consultation. When you have time to see a claim coming, you have time to plan. Send us your insurance policy and recent medical records and we’ll discuss how to make your claim as strong as possible before you file it. Includes a review of your application paperwork whenever you’re ready to submit. Cost: $495

Disability Claim Review Consultation. For disability claims, getting on claim is just the beginning. The insurance company will require on-going proof that you remain eligible for benefits. When they request an update, we’ll walk you through the paperwork and review your recent medical records to help things go as smoothly as possible. Cost: $495

Free Guide to Insurance Appeals

A denial letter catches most people off guard, and comes at the worst possible time. Building a successful appeal can be overwhelming. Our free guide, Recover Your Benefits: Keys to Successfully Navigating the Disability or Life Insurance Appeal Process, will walk you through the important steps, from identifying the real reason(s) your claim was denied, to planning an effective response, to keeping your appeal supported through the insurance company’s review period. 

The insurance company is counting on you being overwhelmed and giving up, especially if you have been told your claim is “too small” to hire a representative. Give our comprehensive free guide a try first – with some knowledge, patience and preparation, it IS possible to build a winning appeal.

Download Our Free Guide

We're Here When You Need Us

Recover Your Benefits: Keys to Successfully Navigating the Disability or Life Insurance Appeal Process will guide you through the appeal process in general. If you’d like personalized help specific to your claim, the first step is to complete a Free Denial Letter Review so we can all better understand your claim. Our report will include a description of what we can cover in a personalized Strategy Session. At the end of the Strategy Session, we can discuss how to continue working with us through our Appeal Coaching and Appeal Management options. You decide what makes the most sense for you and your claim going forward. 

Insurance Appeal Consultants is here to provide the help you need, when you need it. Contact us whenever you have a question or need our help. Together, we will give your claim the care and attention required for your best shot at a successful appeal.